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Get Fit 21

Through the Get Fit 21 app (available for free in the app store) on your phone, we track our daily activity and meals.  The goal is to make progress every day.  The program includes daily lessons on nutrition and exercise, support and mentoring from your coach and a 30-day supply of Complete (our protein/fiber blend meal replacement).  When you register you will also receive several guides to help you along your 21-day challenge including a welcome guide, recipes for Complete*, 100 low-carb recipes and exercise guides.  It has everything included right at your fingertips waiting for you to take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle.


$89 for a coach, the program, nutritional guides and

30-day supply of meal replacements

* Unicity Complete is the protein meal replacement provided by Unicity for the Get Fit 21 program.
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